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Spisak prijavljenih takmičara
Rb.TimImePrezimePolDat. rođ.Uzr. kat.Kategorija
1.BUL - RamusLyuboslav KaramihovM25.10.2014Younger Cadets A-27
2.BUL - RamusHristianNikolaevM13.05.2014Younger Cadets A-30
3.BUL - RamusStefanStefanovM11.11.2013Younger Cadets A-30
4.BUL - RamusDanielHristovM03.01.2014Younger Cadets A-33
5.BUL - RamusEmaMihaylovaŽ18.06.2014Younger Cadets A-44
6.BUL - RamusLyubomirVulchevM11.06.2014Younger Cadets A-44
7.BUL - RamusKaloyanTopchievM09.02.2013Younger Cadets B-57
8.BUL - RamusKristianGeorgievM24.10.2010Cadets A-49
9.BUL - RamusPresianVasilevM08.01.2012Cadets B-53
10.BUL - RamusSimona VasilevaŽ12.12.2008Juniors B-63
11.BUL - RamusMartinStoyanovM05.11.2009Juniors A-59
12.BUL - RamusElenaVasilevaŽ27.05.2008Juniors A-59
13.BUL - RamusDeyanBozhkovM01.01.2006Seniors A-58
14.BUL - RamusVictorGeorgievM05.05.2006Seniors A-68
15.BUL - RamusBozhidarAvramovM06.04.2002Seniors A-74
16.COD - ITF-RDCongo ASSOCIATION ErekaKazindM04.05.2007Juniors A-73
17.COD - ITF-RDCongo ASSOCIATION Jonathan BouassaTandialaM20.04.1997Seniors A-54
18.COD - ITF-RDCongo ASSOCIATION Geoffroy EbouenetM06.07.1992Seniors A-58
19.COD - ITF-RDCongo ASSOCIATION Prince Minion BikoutaM20.06.1997Seniors A-68
20.GBR - Total TaekwondoEthanSullivanM25.09.2015Kids B-34
21.GBR - Total TaekwondoImogenKolaczŽ10.05.2008Juniors A-59
22.GBR - Total TaekwondoHenryWatkinsonM25.08.2004Seniors A-74
23.GBR - Total TaekwondoStewartHowardM18.03.1998Seniors A-80
24.MDA - “KWAN” or. DrochiaDavidFilipM01.01.2012Cadets B-61
25.MDA - ”KWAN” or. ChisinauSpinuAnatolieM14.03.2016Kids A-37
26.MDA - ”KWAN” or. ChisinauSorbala AnastasiaŽ10.05.2015Kids B-26
27.MDA - ”KWAN” or. ChisinauIonascoDavidM30.08.2016Kids B-26
28.MDA - ”KWAN” or. ChisinauTerentii EgorM26.06.2015Kids B-26
29.MDA - ”KWAN” or. ChisinauTentiuAnastasiaŽ20.06.2015Kids B-28
30.MDA - ”KWAN” or. ChisinauMitcul DavidM23.06.2015Kids B-30
31.MDA - ”KWAN” or. ChisinauAgriciAlexandrM17.05.2015Kids B-34
32.MDA - ”KWAN” or. ChisinauCotovitchiArtiomM02.02.2016Kids B-34
33.MDA - ”KWAN” or. ChisinauNichita-TiscencoNikitaM15.01.2016Kids B-41
34.MDA - ”KWAN” or. ChisinauCostinEmmaŽ14.02.2014Younger Cadets B-30
35.MDA - ”KWAN” or. ChisinauIonascoAlinaŽ24.06.2014Younger Cadets B-33
36.MDA - ”KWAN” or. ChisinauFadeeva StanislavaŽ13.02.2013Younger Cadets B-36
37.MDA - ”KWAN” or. ChisinauAgrici DavidM02.01.2013Younger Cadets B-40
38.MDA - ”KWAN” or. ChisinauGandraburDariusM12.02.2012Cadets A-41
39.MDA - ”KWAN” or. ChisinauIavorschiCezarM13.09.2010Cadets A-57
40.MDA - ”KWAN” or. ChisinauMoldovanuElizavetaŽ22.05.2012Cadets A-55
41.MDA - ”KWAN” or. ChisinauDemianHirsteagaM17.04.2010Cadets B-53
42.MDA - ”KWAN” or. ChisinauBuzadjiAlexandraŽ29.10.2008Juniors B-59
43.MDA - ”KWAN” or. ChisinauMaximPlotnic M06.08.2009Juniors A-63
44.MDA - ”KWAN” or. ChisinauGariuc LeonidM24.06.2009Juniors A-68
45.MDA - ”KWAN” s.SofiaLaurentiuGutuM01.01.2011Cadets A-53
46.MDA - ”KWAN” s.SofiaBiancaCiochinaŽ01.01.2010Cadets A-59
47.MDA - ”KWAN” s.SofiaAndreiCazacu M01.01.2007Juniors A-55
48.MDA - ART SPORTIonMatcovschiM20.01.2016Kids A-30
49.MDA - ART SPORTAndreiMoraruM14.12.2013Younger Cadets A-33
50.MDA - ART SPORTMassimoNicoarăM03.07.2012Cadets A-45
51.MDA - ART SPORTVironicaPopoviciŽ16.04.2011Cadets A-55
52.MDA - Betian.ProcopciucDamian ZagorodniucM01.01.2011Cadets A-41
53.MDA - Betian.ProcopciucDariusSaharneanuM01.01.2011Cadets A-41
54.MDA - Betian.ProcopciucBogdan Causnean M01.01.2011Cadets A-49
55.MDA - Betian.ProcopciucIrina PalarieŽ01.01.2012Cadets A-47
56.MDA - Betian.ProcopciucPolinaCeapaŽ01.01.2007Juniors A-59
57.MDA - CALEA FERICIRII (FRUMUSACHE MIHAI)ProdanVladimirM21.07.2010Cadets A-41
58.MDA - CALEA FERICIRII (FRUMUSACHE MIHAI)LunguDanielM26.05.2009Juniors A-78
59.MDA - CALEA FERICIRII (FRUMUSACHE MIHAI)ManitaAlexandruM27.05.2008Juniors A-78
60.MDA - HAN SOOMariusRodidealM20.11.2013Younger Cadets A-33
61.MDA - HAN SOOAlexProzorovschiM14.07.2014Younger Cadets A-40
62.MDA - LIRPSVasilitaTronciu Ž13.11.2012Cadets A-33
63.MDA - LIRPSRomeoBelousM22.01.2010Cadets A-45
64.MDA - LIRPSBogdanOgorM20.12.2010Cadets A-49
65.MDA - LIRPSNikita RusuM11.08.2011Cadets A-49
66.MDA - LIRPSCristinaVoronaŽ30.03.2012Cadets A-47
67.MDA - LIRPSIvan MarcencoM30.04.2010Cadets A+65
68.MDA - LIRPSAnastasia StogniŽ20.02.2012Cadets B-33
69.MDA - LIRPSNicolaeNegaraM27.12.2010Cadets B-41
70.MDA - LIRPSMihailAnghelM28.11.2011Cadets B-53
71.MDA - LIRPSIulianGrajdeanM04.05.2009Juniors A-45
72.MDA - LIRPSNichitaMorozM16.05.2009Juniors A-48
73.MDA - LIRPSAlinaVesteŽ15.01.2007Juniors A-46
74.MDA - LIRPSCristianZaporojan M27.12.2009Juniors A-59
75.MDA - LIRPSGheorgheCosneanuM19.10.2007Juniors A-63
76.MDA - LIRPSVladNichiticiM28.01.2009Juniors A-63
77.MDA - LIRPSArianaSpineiŽ01.01.2009Juniors A-59
78.MDA - LIRPSDumitruProdanM13.02.2007Juniors A-68
79.MDA - LIRPSAnaSpinuŽ05.10.2008Juniors A-63
80.MDA - LIRPSAnastasiaChislariŽ01.01.2009Juniors A-68
81.MDA - LIRPSIonStepaniucM11.08.2007Juniors A-78
82.MDA - LIRPSDariaMincenkovaŽ28.03.2006Seniors A-53
83.MDA - Olimp KirillSviridovM10.09.2017Younger Kids B-24
84.MDA - OlimpIvan CanaliM22.01.2016Kids A-30
85.MDA - OlimpIanNicolaievM08.04.2016Kids B-24
86.MDA - OlimpDenisMericM06.06.2016Kids B-26
87.MDA - OlimpIliePerjanM07.09.2015Kids B-26
88.MDA - OlimpMateoAndronic M14.09.2016Kids B-26
89.MDA - OlimpNikolaiMorozM05.03.2016Kids B-26
90.MDA - OlimpAlexeiIanioglo M10.10.2016Kids B-28
91.MDA - OlimpArinaGituŽ08.10.2014Younger Cadets B-27
92.MDA - OlimpBogdanCebtaru M09.08.2014Younger Cadets B-40
93.MDA - OlimpAlexandrMokruhaM07.05.2012Cadets B-49
94.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariMatveiBoiciucM17.12.2017Younger Kids B-22
95.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariAlexandrOjogM01.01.2017Younger Kids B-28
96.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariCătălin Petras M01.01.2017Younger Kids B-32
97.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariAlexandrCondrasovM01.01.2015Kids A-26
98.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariAntonCioina M01.01.2015Kids A-28
99.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariDamianPanter M01.01.2016Kids A-30
100.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariEdvard Turcan M01.01.2016Kids A-32
101.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariArtiom Scripnic M01.01.2016Kids A-41
102.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariMaximTurcanM21.06.2016Kids B-24
103.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariAlexandrChiseliovM11.11.2015Kids B-26
104.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariMihailTverdohlebM04.08.2016Kids B-30
105.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariDragosIndoituM01.01.2015Kids B-32
106.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariMihaiPinteaM01.01.2015Kids B-34
107.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariDamianGrădinar M01.01.2015Kids B+41
108.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariIlia GladiiM01.01.2014Younger Cadets A-27
109.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariEgorDogariM01.01.2013Younger Cadets A-33
110.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariMarius Girnet M01.01.2013Younger Cadets A-36
111.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariAndreiIarosciucM01.01.2013Younger Cadets B-40
112.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariDavidGolovinM01.01.2013Younger Cadets B-40
113.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariMateiTaranuM08.03.2013Younger Cadets B-40
114.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariNicoletaMacari Ž01.01.2012Cadets A-29
115.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariCornelBalanM01.01.2012Cadets A-33
116.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariSofiaMuraŽ01.01.2011Cadets A-33
117.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariAlexandrCemirtanM01.01.2012Cadets A-37
118.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariDumitritaMacariŽ01.01.2010Cadets A-41
119.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariIaroslavPetighinM01.01.2012Cadets A-45
120.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariMihailCeresM01.01.2010Cadets A-45
121.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariPavelLiscencoM01.01.2010Cadets A-45
122.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariAndrei Caragia M01.01.2011Cadets A-57
123.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariRobertTurcanM01.01.2010Cadets A+65
124.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariDavidIndoituM02.10.2012Cadets B-37
125.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariDariaSoldatenco Ž01.01.2010Cadets B-44
126.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariLorenaLozovanuŽ01.01.2012Cadets B-47
127.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariElisaChisleacŽ16.06.2008Juniors A-44
128.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariBiancaPosticaŽ01.01.2009Juniors A-46
129.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariVictorConosM01.01.2009Juniors A-55
130.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucMihailIuroviciM25.12.2017Younger Kids B-20
131.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucEleanorDrancaŽ11.12.2017Younger Kids B-30
132.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucMarkSmocvin M01.04.2017Younger Kids B-32
133.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucArtiomBudaM18.01.2017Younger Kids B-41
134.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDavidGontaM22.07.2016Kids A-22
135.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucArtiomGorasM11.01.2016Kids A-26
136.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucIvanMalaciliM11.05.2016Kids A-26
137.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucVladimirGorbatovschiM09.05.2015Kids A-28
138.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucAlexandrIonelM27.06.2015Kids A-30
139.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucIlincaEfros-PlosnitaŽ13.08.2015Kids B-24
140.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDanBelschiM25.10.2016Kids B-26
141.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDanielNeshkoM08.11.2016Kids B-26
142.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucIliaStreltovM13.08.2016Kids B-26
143.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucRobertAjderM04.07.2016Kids B-26
144.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDariusStavila M08.04.2016Kids B-28
145.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDmitriiPrepelitaM01.01.2015Kids B-28
146.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucRenataRaicoŽ01.03.2015Kids B-30
147.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucAlexandrSovaM12.03.2015Kids B-30
148.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDaniilVetcosM24.08.2015Kids B-30
149.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDanil Melnic M11.08.2016Kids B-30
150.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucRashed FaqehM31.03.2016Kids B-37
151.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDamirBalanM12.03.2015Kids B-41
152.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucArtiomNevmerjitchiiM24.05.2014Younger Cadets A-27
153.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDaniilElisovetchiM26.06.2013Younger Cadets A-30
154.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucPavelFilarovschiiM09.09.2014Younger Cadets A-30
155.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucEmilBurianM12.03.2014Younger Cadets A-36
156.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDamianCatanaM01.01.2013Younger Cadets A-40
157.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucRabitaMusaŽ26.02.2013Younger Cadets A-44
158.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucAnastasiaCaradjovaŽ30.11.2014Younger Cadets B-27
159.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucAndreiKiperM01.04.2014Younger Cadets B-30
160.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucNichitaCojocarM01.03.2013Younger Cadets B-40
161.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucIanusAbabiiM03.09.2013Younger Cadets B-52
162.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDavidPopescu M09.12.2011Cadets A-33
163.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDavidNerpiiM31.10.2012Cadets A-37
164.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucIlieBurianM06.02.2012Cadets A-37
165.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucEvelinaGorasŽ01.02.2012Cadets A-37
166.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucAlexandrGorbatovschiiM15.10.2011Cadets A-41
167.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucGabrielDerenovM14.03.2012Cadets A-41
168.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDariaPascalŽ28.11.2012Cadets A-41
169.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucIon-RenatGlavatchiiM20.01.2011Cadets A-49
170.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucTimurCazacM01.01.2010Cadets A-49
171.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucAnastasiaSelvestruŽ01.01.2011Cadets A-55
172.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucEmilyCaraganciuŽ18.10.2012Cadets B-41
173.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucSofiaBelschiŽ23.03.2011Cadets B-41
174.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucMilaniaAntohiŽ23.03.2011Cadets B-55
175.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucKirillParaM01.01.2008Juniors A-51
176.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucArtemKhodakovskyiM03.12.2007Juniors A-55
177.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucVladaBudaŽ01.01.2009Juniors A-55
178.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucAlexandruCorobcaM01.01.2003Seniors A-68
179.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVPascariVeaceslavM01.01.2017Younger Kids B-20
180.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVIordanCristianM01.01.2015Kids A-22
181.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVPavlovNicolaiM01.01.2016Kids A-26
182.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVLapinMarkM01.01.2016Kids B-37
183.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVGriciucNikitaM01.01.2014Younger Cadets A-27
184.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVGritcanAlexandruM01.01.2013Younger Cadets A-33
185.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVCimpoesAndreiM01.01.2013Younger Cadets A-40
186.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVGumencoSofiaŽ01.01.2014Younger Cadets A-44
187.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVVarticDeliaŽ01.01.2014Younger Cadets B-44
188.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVUrsuMihailM01.01.2012Cadets A-33
189.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVProzorovschiDaniel M01.01.2010Cadets A-37
190.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVPavlovaEcaterinaŽ01.01.2011Cadets A-41
191.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVNegelIanusM01.01.2012Cadets A-53
192.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVLapinaMarseliŽ01.01.2011Cadets A-59
193.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVNegelDavidM15.05.2011Cadets A+65
194.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVTafiiNadejdaŽ01.01.2011Cadets B-47
195.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVCovaliValeriaŽ01.01.2006Seniors A-53
196.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIPalagniucAlexandrM01.01.2017Younger Kids A-22
197.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIMarkCiubucM01.01.2018Younger Kids B-18
198.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIGamurariTeiaŽ01.01.2018Younger Kids B-20
199.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIFrineaDragosM01.01.2018Younger Kids B-20
200.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIColesnicEmilM01.01.2017Younger Kids B-22
201.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARICebanuStelianM01.01.2018Younger Kids B-24
202.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIPascariSaraŽ01.01.2016Kids B-20
203.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIFrineaGabrielaŽ01.01.2016Kids B-24
204.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIAisinEgorM01.01.2015Kids B-24
205.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARICaniscevLaurentiaŽ01.01.2015Kids B-26
206.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARISerbacovTimofeiM01.01.2016Kids B-26
207.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIIachimovschiMaximM01.01.2015Kids B-28
208.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIKlymenkoTykhonM01.01.2016Kids B-30
209.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIGobjilaEduardM01.01.2016Kids B-37
210.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARITibulskiVadimM01.01.2013Younger Cadets A-33
211.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIPascariSofiaŽ01.01.2013Younger Cadets B-30
212.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARICulaiAugustinM01.01.2013Younger Cadets B-30
213.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARICodreanuLeonardoM01.01.2013Younger Cadets B-33
214.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARICopancianMihailM01.01.2014Younger Cadets B-33
215.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIOsoianuSergiuM01.01.2013Younger Cadets B-33
216.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIBircaMaximM01.01.2014Younger Cadets B-36
217.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIBarbutaBogdanM01.01.2011Cadets A-33
218.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIOsoianuVladaŽ01.01.2012Cadets A-37
219.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIIachimovschiPetruM01.01.2011Cadets A-41
220.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARISergheiColitovM01.01.2012Cadets B-41
221.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIPopacondreaArtiomM01.01.2012Cadets B-53
222.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIGamurariSebastianM01.01.2009Juniors A-51
223.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARILevintaIonM01.01.2009Juniors A-55
224.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIBulavcaArtiomM01.01.2004Seniors A-58
225.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIMacariIulianaŽ01.01.2006Seniors A-53
226.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIPorcescuLoredanaŽ01.01.2002Seniors A-67
227.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIBarbutaFelixM01.01.2005Seniors A-80
228.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaAlisaScobelev Ž04.04.2017Younger Kids B-28
229.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaDmitriiTarcencovM21.04.2017Younger Kids B-30
230.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaDragosNilipovschii M24.02.2015Kids A-26
231.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaAnton RanciucM01.01.2015Kids B-28
232.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaMykhailoTishchenkoM01.01.2014Younger Cadets A-27
233.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaDavidLunguM01.01.2013Younger Cadets A-30
234.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaEgorLisinM01.01.2014Younger Cadets A-33
235.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaRazvanColesniucM01.01.2014Younger Cadets B-27
236.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaAlexandr ScobelevM01.01.2014Younger Cadets B-30
237.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaAlexandrUlianovM29.06.2010Cadets A-45
238.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaDmitriiBalagulaM08.11.2010Cadets A-45
239.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaSergheiBorovicM23.04.2011Cadets A-57
240.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaErikaLupusorŽ28.09.2008Juniors A-49
241.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRStepanKiblikM10.01.2018Younger Kids B-22
242.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRMihailKosovskiiM22.11.2017Younger Kids B-26
243.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRRomanKydienkoM07.05.2017Younger Kids B-34
244.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRDavidCornievschiiM20.05.2017Younger Kids B+41
245.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRValeriaShvetsovaŽ01.07.2015Kids B-30
246.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRMaximGashitskiiM01.04.2015Kids B-32
247.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRRenatKalashnikovM22.11.2015Kids B-32
248.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRArinaSamatovaŽ03.12.2016Kids B+41
249.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRValeriiPostikaM10.05.2013Younger Cadets A-30
250.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRAnastasiaAfanasiiŽ30.07.2014Younger Cadets B-36
251.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRNataliaMaslovaŽ09.10.2013Younger Cadets B-36
252.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRArtemMeraytsaM07.07.2013Younger Cadets B-36
253.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRMihailPoltavtsevM26.01.2013Younger Cadets B-44
254.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRIaroslavRusnakM31.08.2011Cadets A-41
255.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRMakarBaliukM06.11.2011Cadets A-41
256.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRSofiaBezvezukŽ12.06.2012Cadets A-41
257.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRElizavetaTarahanŽ20.08.2011Cadets A-51
258.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMREmilNiftalievM04.09.2010Cadets B-45
259.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRVictoriaGorinchoiŽ10.06.2010Cadets B-55
260.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRArtemLeuM26.04.2007Juniors A-68
261.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRSergeiUskovM01.01.1999Seniors A-58
262.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRDmitriiShulyakM01.01.2000Seniors A-74
263.MDA - Union Taekwondo WTF GagauziiIlyaArnautM05.05.2011Cadets A-41
264.MDA - Union Taekwondo WTF GagauziiArtemGargalikM06.03.2011Cadets A-49
265.MDA - Union Taekwondo WTF GagauziiVadimUzunM06.04.2010Cadets A-57
266.MDA - Union Taekwondo WTF GagauziiHavinGarchevaŽ17.03.2009Juniors A-44
267.MDA - Union Taekwondo WTF GagauziiIvanStomatovM07.06.2009Juniors A-48
268.MDA - Union Taekwondo WTF GagauziiGabrielaLugovskayaŽ08.03.2009Juniors A-46
269.MDA - Union Taekwondo WTF GagauziiIuliaSanduŽ05.02.2009Juniors A-49
270.MDA - Union Taekwondo WTF GagauziiAlexandrElitsaM04.05.2009Juniors A-55
271.MDA - Union Taekwondo WTF GagauziiOlegNikulcaM04.08.2009Juniors A-63
272.MDA - WT-A clubSergeiScoartaM25.06.2017Younger Kids A-24
273.MDA - WT-A clubGregore Casian M01.01.2018Younger Kids B-22
274.MDA - WT-A clubOctavianKimM01.01.2017Younger Kids B-26
275.MDA - WT-A clubAlexandruOpreaM21.07.2016Kids A-26
276.MDA - WT-A clubAlexeiMarianM11.02.2015Kids A-41
277.MDA - WT-A clubAlexandrMoscalencoM05.03.2016Kids B-30
278.MDA - WT-A clubAlexeiDraganiucM29.03.2014Younger Cadets A-33
279.MDA - WT-A clubKirillBotnaruM01.01.2014Younger Cadets A-36
280.MDA - WT-A clubCocirlaLeonardM30.07.2013Younger Cadets A-40
281.MDA - WT-A clubValeriaPasaŽ07.07.2014Younger Cadets A+57
282.MDA - WT-A clubAnastasiaPodfigurnaiaŽ05.01.2014Younger Cadets B-44
283.MDA - WT-A clubGabrielaSpinuŽ13.01.2014Younger Cadets B+57
284.MDA - WT-A clubLeonardCocirlaM30.07.2011Cadets A-41
285.MDA - WT-A clubPostoroncaAlexandruM22.11.2012Cadets A-41
286.MDA - WT-A clubCocirlaAlexandru-IlieM02.08.2011Cadets A-45
287.MDA - WT-A clubCiprianVasilacheM10.01.2012Cadets A-49
288.MDA - WT-A clubLauraBrinzaŽ16.02.2012Cadets B-41
289.MDA - WT-A clubCristianCasianM20.10.2012Cadets B-49
290.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"IliaMelnicM10.02.2018Younger Kids B-20
291.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"AlisaBujacŽ08.08.2017Younger Kids B-22
292.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"SofiaDracevskaiaŽ12.10.2018Younger Kids B-22
293.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"AndreiMihailaM24.07.2017Younger Kids B-24
294.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"AlexandrPetrasisinM18.01.2017Younger Kids B-26
295.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"NikitaMoraruM06.02.2017Younger Kids B-30
296.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"AlexandrChibeM05.10.2015Kids B-26
297.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"AtaAtajanovM16.09.2015Kids B-28
298.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"DaniilGrumezaM11.07.2015Kids B-28
299.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"IliaPastuhovM22.06.2016Kids B-30
300.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"AlexandrDudnitkiM25.11.2014Younger Cadets A-36
301.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"ArtiomMavrodiM27.07.2014Younger Cadets A-36
302.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"KirillDancencoM27.11.2013Younger Cadets A-40
303.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"SveatoslavMoscvinM24.12.2013Younger Cadets B-33
304.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"SofiaMardariŽ26.08.2014Younger Cadets B-36
305.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"TimurDracevskiM29.05.2013Younger Cadets B-36
306.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"AlbertOcunevM17.07.2014Younger Cadets B-40
307.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"MatveiPrepelitaM08.08.2013Younger Cadets B-44
308.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"ArturOstafM26.12.2010Cadets A-53
309.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"MaximCercasinM24.10.2012Cadets B-45
310.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"GlebCuliucM12.07.2011Cadets B-49
311.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"EvaBujacŽ13.06.2011Cadets B-51
312.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"UlianaMoraruŽ22.05.2011Cadets B-51
313.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"ArseniiSirbuM23.02.2007Juniors A-68
314.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"AntonBeliiM04.07.2007Juniors A-73
315.ROU - Brilliant Taekwondo SCSabrina GabrielaGradinaru MihaiŽ26.05.2014Younger Cadets A-40
316.ROU - Brilliant Taekwondo SCAlexandru StefanIambrosM10.07.2011Cadets A-49
317.ROU - Brilliant Taekwondo SCBianca GabrielaCosticŽ12.02.2012Cadets A-47
318.ROU - Brilliant Taekwondo SCDaria NicoletaBarbalataŽ08.12.2012Cadets A-47
319.ROU - Brilliant Taekwondo SCMarina EmiliaCroitoriuŽ30.07.2010Cadets A-51
320.ROU - Brilliant Taekwondo SCMaria AntoniaApavaloaieŽ29.04.2011Cadets A-59
321.ROU - Brilliant Taekwondo SCDenis StefanTomaM31.05.2010Cadets A+65
322.ROU - Brilliant Taekwondo SCPetrica IonutBurlacuM15.06.2007Juniors A-68
323.ROU - Brilliant Taekwondo SCAnastasia MariaMihalachiŽ19.09.2008Juniors A-68
324.ROU - Brilliant Taekwondo SCDarius GabrielAcostachioaieM26.08.2008Juniors A-78
325.ROU - Brilliant Taekwondo SCFlorin AlexandruRaclesM05.04.2006Seniors A-68
326.ROU - Taekwondo Club VIPPutinaDamianM11.03.2016Kids B-24
327.ROU - Taekwondo Club VIPRaduAndreea Ž29.02.2016Kids B-28
328.ROU - Taekwondo Club VIPIlascuFelixM18.08.2016Kids B-28
329.ROU - Taekwondo Club VIPCostacheVictorM23.07.2016Kids B-32
330.ROU - Taekwondo Club VIPMunteanuAndreeaŽ03.09.2015Kids B-41
331.ROU - Taekwondo Club VIPRusuAndreeaŽ06.03.2014Younger Cadets B-44
332.ROU - Taekwondo Club VIPCurcudel DenisM08.02.2010Cadets A-65
333.ROU - Taekwondo Club VIPHoratauStefanM02.04.2012Cadets B-41
334.ROU - Taekwondo Club VIPBogzaRaresM03.09.2010Cadets B-45
335.ROU - Taekwondo Club VIPDanailaIoanM19.06.2011Cadets B-61
336.ROU - Taekwondo Club VIPTeleanuBrianaŽ08.02.2009Juniors B-63
337.TUN - Pro Sport ClubAyariSouhaiebM14.04.1989Seniors A-80

Broj prijavljenih takmičara po kategorijama
Rb.KategorijaMBroj MŽBroj ŽUkupno
1.Younger Kids A-180-1800
2.Younger Kids A-200-2000
3.Younger Kids A-221-2201
4.Younger Kids A-241-2401
5.Younger Kids A-260-2600
6.Younger Kids A-280-2800
7.Younger Kids A-300-3000
8.Younger Kids A-320-3200
9.Younger Kids A-340-3400
10.Younger Kids A-370-3700
11.Younger Kids A-410-4100
12.Younger Kids A+410+4100
13.Younger Kids B-181-1801
14.Younger Kids B-204-2015
15.Younger Kids B-224-2226
16.Younger Kids B-243-2403
17.Younger Kids B-263-2603
18.Younger Kids B-281-2812
19.Younger Kids B-302-3013
20.Younger Kids B-322-3202
21.Younger Kids B-341-3401
22.Younger Kids B-370-3700
23.Younger Kids B-411-4101
24.Younger Kids B+411+4101
25.Kids A-200-2000
26.Kids A-222-2202
27.Kids A-240-2400
28.Kids A-266-2606
29.Kids A-282-2802
30.Kids A-304-3004
31.Kids A-321-3201
32.Kids A-340-3400
33.Kids A-371-3701
34.Kids A-412-4102
35.Kids A+410+4100
36.Kids B-200-2011
37.Kids B-220-2200
38.Kids B-244-2426
39.Kids B-2613-26215
40.Kids B-288-28210
41.Kids B-308-30210
42.Kids B-324-3204
43.Kids B-344-3404
44.Kids B-373-3703
45.Kids B-412-4113
46.Kids B+411+4112
47.Younger Cadets A-275-2705
48.Younger Cadets A-306-3006
49.Younger Cadets A-338-3308
50.Younger Cadets A-365-3605
51.Younger Cadets A-405-4016
52.Younger Cadets A-441-4434
53.Younger Cadets A-480-4800
54.Younger Cadets A-520-5200
55.Younger Cadets A-570-5700
56.Younger Cadets A+570+5711
57.Younger Cadets B-271-2723
58.Younger Cadets B-303-3025
59.Younger Cadets B-334-3315
60.Younger Cadets B-363-3647
61.Younger Cadets B-407-4007
62.Younger Cadets B-442-4435
63.Younger Cadets B-480-4800
64.Younger Cadets B-521-5201
65.Younger Cadets B-571-5701
66.Younger Cadets B+570+5711
67.Cadets A-334-2915
68.Cadets A-374-3326
69.Cadets A-4112-37214
70.Cadets A-458-41412
71.Cadets A-499-4409
72.Cadets A-533-4747
73.Cadets A-574-5126
74.Cadets A-610-5533
75.Cadets A-651-5934
76.Cadets A+654+5904
77.Cadets B-330-2900
78.Cadets B-371-3312
79.Cadets B-413-3703
80.Cadets B-453-4136
81.Cadets B-493-4414
82.Cadets B-534-4726
83.Cadets B-570-5122
84.Cadets B-612-5524
85.Cadets B-650-5900
86.Cadets B+650+5900
87.Juniors B-450-4200
88.Juniors B-480-4400
89.Juniors B-510-4600
90.Juniors B-550-4900
91.Juniors B-590-5200
92.Juniors B-630-5500
93.Juniors B-680-5911
94.Juniors B-730-6322
95.Juniors B-780-6800
96.Juniors B+780+6300
97.Juniors A-451-4201
98.Juniors A-482-4424
99.Juniors A-512-4635
100.Juniors A-555-4927
101.Juniors A-592-5202
102.Juniors A-634-5515
103.Juniors A-685-5949
104.Juniors A-732-6313
105.Juniors A-784-6826
106.Juniors A+780+6800
107.Seniors A-541-4601
108.Seniors A-584-4904
109.Seniors A-630-5333
110.Seniors A-684-5704
111.Seniors A-743-6203
112.Seniors A-803-6714
113.Seniors A-870-7300
114.Seniors A+870+7300
115.Seniors A-580-4900
116.Seniors A-680-5700
117.Seniors A-800-6700
118.Seniors A+800+6700
UKUPNO72 (18)24945 (17)88337

Broj prijavljenih takmičara po uzrasnim kategorijama
Rb.KategorijaBroj MBroj ŽUkupno
1.Younger Kids A202
2.Younger Kids B23528
3.Kids B471158
4.Kids A18018
5.Younger Cadets A30535
6.Younger Cadets B221335
7.Cadets A492170
8.Cadets B161127
9.Juniors B033
10.Juniors A271542
11.Seniors A15419
