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Spisak prijavljenih takmičara
Rb.TimImePrezimePolDat. rođ.Uzr. kat.Kategorija
1.MDA - Betian.ProcopciucMariusRaiuM01.01.2013Younger Cadets B-40
2.MDA - Betian.ProcopciucDamian ZagorodniucM01.01.2011Cadets A-41
3.MDA - Betian.ProcopciucDariusSaharneanuM01.01.2011Cadets A-41
4.MDA - Betian.ProcopciucBogdan Causnean M01.01.2011Cadets A-49
5.MDA - Betian.ProcopciucIrina PalarieŽ01.01.2012Cadets A-47
6.MDA - Betian.ProcopciucMaximRaiuM01.01.2011Cadets A-61
7.MDA - Betian.ProcopciucGabriel GodonoagaM01.01.2010Cadets B-41
8.MDA - Betian.ProcopciucNichita SmiloM01.01.2012Cadets B-61
9.MDA - Betian.ProcopciucPolinaCeapaŽ01.01.2007Juniors A-59
10.MDA - CALEA FERICIRII (FRUMUSACHE MIHAI)FrumusacheDominicM05.09.2017Younger Kids B-28
11.MDA - CALEA FERICIRII (FRUMUSACHE MIHAI)ProdanVladimirM21.07.2010Cadets A-41
12.MDA - CALEA FERICIRII (FRUMUSACHE MIHAI)SîrghiVladimirM26.02.2010Cadets A-65
13.MDA - CALEA FERICIRII (FRUMUSACHE MIHAI)BorsDorinM22.01.2009Juniors A-63
14.MDA - CALEA FERICIRII (FRUMUSACHE MIHAI)LunguDanielM26.05.2009Juniors A-78
15.MDA - CALEA FERICIRII (FRUMUSACHE MIHAI)ManitaAlexandruM27.05.2008Juniors A-78
16.MDA - CALEA FERICIRII (FRUMUSACHE MIHAI)ManitaAlexandru M01.01.2008Juniors A+78
17.MDA - CSPLN FRUMUSACHERata EcaterinaŽ29.11.2007Juniors A-68
18.MDA - HAN SOOMariusRodidealM20.11.2013Younger Cadets A-33
19.MDA - HAN SOOAlexProzorovschiM14.07.2014Younger Cadets A-40
20.MDA - LIRPSArtemiiMorozM10.12.2015Kids B-28
21.MDA - LIRPSDragosRusuM22.02.2015Kids B-37
22.MDA - LIRPSCostinBiliciM20.11.2014Younger Cadets B-27
23.MDA - LIRPSSorinBiliciM20.11.2014Younger Cadets B-27
24.MDA - LIRPSVladimirGolbanM30.12.2014Younger Cadets B-36
25.MDA - LIRPSValeriaVozniucŽ16.05.2014Younger Cadets B-40
26.MDA - LIRPSRomeoBelousM22.01.2010Cadets A-45
27.MDA - LIRPSBogdanOgorM20.12.2010Cadets A-49
28.MDA - LIRPSNikita RusuM11.08.2011Cadets A-53
29.MDA - LIRPSIvan MarcencoM30.04.2010Cadets A+65
30.MDA - LIRPSDamian OlariM20.04.2011Cadets B-37
31.MDA - LIRPSConstantinMaracutaM04.06.2011Cadets B-41
32.MDA - LIRPSNicolaeNegaraM27.12.2010Cadets B-41
33.MDA - LIRPSCristianPopaM24.12.2011Cadets B-45
34.MDA - LIRPSGabrielCaramanM19.06.2011Cadets B-45
35.MDA - LIRPSCristinaVoronaŽ30.03.2012Cadets B-44
36.MDA - LIRPSLilianRaileanuM18.05.2010Cadets B-49
37.MDA - LIRPSMihailAnghelM28.11.2011Cadets B-53
38.MDA - LIRPSStefan SchiopuM30.07.2011Cadets B-53
39.MDA - LIRPSIulianGrajdeanM04.05.2009Juniors A-45
40.MDA - LIRPSNichitaMorozM16.05.2009Juniors A-48
41.MDA - LIRPSAlinaVesteŽ15.01.2007Juniors A-46
42.MDA - LIRPSXeniaHaidarzhiŽ31.01.2009Juniors A-52
43.MDA - LIRPSCristianZaporojan M27.12.2009Juniors A-59
44.MDA - LIRPSArianaSpineiŽ01.01.2009Juniors A-55
45.MDA - LIRPSGheorgheCosneanuM19.10.2007Juniors A-63
46.MDA - LIRPSDumitruProdanM13.02.2007Juniors A-68
47.MDA - LIRPSVladNichiticiM28.01.2009Juniors A-68
48.MDA - LIRPSAnaSpinuŽ05.10.2008Juniors A-63
49.MDA - LIRPSAnastasiaChislariŽ01.01.2009Juniors A-63
50.MDA - LIRPSIonStepaniucM11.08.2007Juniors A-78
51.MDA - OlimpElizavetaVarganovŽ08.08.2018Younger Kids B-22
52.MDA - OlimpAntonCogoliM09.06.2018Younger Kids B-22
53.MDA - OlimpStefanFrimuM16.03.2018Younger Kids B-26
54.MDA - OlimpVladimirFurtunăM08.09.2017Younger Kids B-32
55.MDA - OlimpConstantinGolovetchiiM07.06.2018Younger Kids B-34
56.MDA - OlimpIanNicolaievM08.04.2016Kids B-24
57.MDA - OlimpKirillSviridovM07.09.2015Kids B-24
58.MDA - OlimpMateoAndronicM05.08.2015Kids B-24
59.MDA - OlimpRomanVieriiM08.06.2015Kids B-24
60.MDA - OlimpDenisMericM06.06.2016Kids B-26
61.MDA - OlimpNikolaiMorozM05.03.2016Kids B-26
62.MDA - OlimpAlexeiIaniogloM15.02.2015Kids B-28
63.MDA - OlimpBogdan HalcaM07.05.2015Kids B-28
64.MDA - OlimpIliePerjanM06.06.2015Kids B-30
65.MDA - OlimpIvan CanaliM22.01.2016Kids B-30
66.MDA - OlimpArtiomCosacev M08.08.2015Kids B-32
67.MDA - OlimpDenis RotariM07.08.2015Kids B-32
68.MDA - OlimpNikitaComovskiiM08.05.2015Kids B-32
69.MDA - OlimpIliaTodorovM06.10.2016Kids B-37
70.MDA - OlimpAlexandrMozgovM10.05.2016Kids B-41
71.MDA - OlimpArinaGituŽ08.10.2014Younger Cadets B-27
72.MDA - OlimpArtiomGrecu M13.08.2014Younger Cadets B-30
73.MDA - OlimpDavidBalmusM12.09.2014Younger Cadets B-30
74.MDA - OlimpDanielBorsM08.08.2013Younger Cadets B-33
75.MDA - OlimpBogdanCebotariM06.03.2013Younger Cadets B-40
76.MDA - OlimpNikolaiCuriciM07.05.2013Younger Cadets B-40
77.MDA - OlimpAndreiCociuM06.04.2014Younger Cadets B-44
78.MDA - OlimpMaximDrutaM08.06.2013Younger Cadets B-44
79.MDA - OlimpLucianTentiu M01.06.2014Younger Cadets B-52
80.MDA - OlimpVladimirLivanovM08.06.2014Younger Cadets B-52
81.MDA - OlimpIaroslavMarcovM06.10.2013Younger Cadets B-57
82.MDA - OlimpSofiaGorevaŽ08.07.2013Younger Cadets B+57
83.MDA - OlimpDamianMaritoiM08.05.2012Cadets B-33
84.MDA - OlimpMaximStratulatM07.04.2011Cadets B-37
85.MDA - OlimpMariusRoscaM07.02.2012Cadets B-41
86.MDA - OlimpMaximMitaM21.03.2012Cadets B-41
87.MDA - OlimpMihailTurcanuM11.06.2011Cadets B-41
88.MDA - OlimpVadimBezdigaM07.06.2012Cadets B-45
89.MDA - OlimpAlexandrMokruhaM07.05.2012Cadets B-49
90.MDA - OlimpGabrielMitaM23.02.2010Cadets B-49
91.MDA - OlimpMihaiVilcuM06.07.2012Cadets B-53
92.MDA - OlimpAndriuTepordei M07.06.2011Cadets B-57
93.MDA - OlimpAlexandraEftodiiŽ12.04.2010Cadets B+59
94.MDA - OlimpDanielButucha M09.07.2011Cadets B+65
95.MDA - S.S.”Magdacesti”AgaMelissaŽ07.10.2014Younger Cadets A-30
96.MDA - S.S.”Magdacesti”NeguraGheorgheM03.06.2014Younger Cadets A-48
97.MDA - S.S.”Magdacesti”MogaArtiomM15.01.2014Younger Cadets B-30
98.MDA - S.S.”Magdacesti”BengaBogdanM31.05.2013Younger Cadets B-36
99.MDA - S.S.”Magdacesti”AgaEduardM19.06.2013Younger Cadets B-57
100.MDA - S.S.”Magdacesti”EfrosMarianM04.08.2010Cadets B-33
101.MDA - S.S.”Magdacesti”OanceaVladM06.05.2008Juniors A-55
102.MDA - S.S.”Magdacesti”OnicaBogdanM14.03.2008Juniors A-73
103.MDA - Scoala Sportiva StauceniDumitrasDragosM05.07.2010Cadets A-61
104.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariAlexandrOjogM01.01.2017Younger Kids B-28
105.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariAlexandrCondrasovM01.01.2015Kids A-26
106.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariArtiom Scripnic M01.01.2016Kids A+41
107.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariEcaterinaCetcariovaŽ01.01.2016Kids B-20
108.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariGabriel JechiuM01.01.2015Kids B-24
109.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariAntonCioina M01.01.2015Kids B-28
110.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariDamianPanter M01.01.2016Kids B-30
111.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariMihailTverdohlebM04.08.2016Kids B-30
112.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariDragosIndoituM01.01.2015Kids B-32
113.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariEdvard Turcan M01.01.2016Kids B-32
114.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariMihaiPinteaM01.01.2015Kids B-34
115.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariAnastasia IahnovŽ01.01.2015Kids B-37
116.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariDavidRogaciovM01.01.2014Younger Cadets A-27
117.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariIlia GladiiM01.01.2014Younger Cadets A-27
118.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariValeria ZuicovaŽ01.01.2014Younger Cadets A-30
119.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariEgorDogariM01.01.2013Younger Cadets A-33
120.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariMădălina Levco Ž01.01.2013Younger Cadets B-40
121.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariAndreiIarosciucM01.01.2013Younger Cadets B-40
122.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariDavidGolovinM01.01.2013Younger Cadets B-40
123.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariMaxim Maximilian M01.01.2013Younger Cadets B-44
124.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariArtiomCucereavii M01.01.2014Younger Cadets B+57
125.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariDanilaChilianM01.01.2012Cadets A-33
126.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariAdrianChilianM07.09.2010Cadets A-41
127.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariAlexandrCemirtanM01.01.2012Cadets A-41
128.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariDumitritaMacariŽ01.01.2010Cadets A-41
129.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariDariaSoldatenco Ž01.01.2010Cadets A-44
130.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariPavelLiscencoM01.01.2010Cadets A-49
131.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariLorenaLozovanuŽ01.01.2012Cadets A-47
132.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariRobert TurcanM01.01.2010Cadets A+65
133.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariMarcCaramanM01.01.2012Cadets B-45
134.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariElisaChisleacŽ16.06.2008Juniors A-44
135.MDA - SSS nr.6 CojuhariVictorConosM01.01.2009Juniors A-55
136.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucMihailIuroviciM25.12.2017Younger Kids B-20
137.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucNicolasPercemliM12.03.2017Younger Kids B-26
138.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucIlincaEfros-PlosnitaŽ13.08.2015Kids A-24
139.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucArtiomGorasM11.01.2016Kids A-26
140.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucVladimirGorbatovschiM09.05.2015Kids A-28
141.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucAlexandrIonelM27.06.2015Kids A-30
142.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDavidGontaM22.07.2016Kids B-22
143.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucIvanMalaciliM11.05.2016Kids B-26
144.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucRobertAjderM04.07.2016Kids B-26
145.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDariusStavila M08.04.2016Kids B-28
146.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDaniilVetcosM24.08.2015Kids B-30
147.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDanil Melnic M11.08.2016Kids B-30
148.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucRenataRaicoŽ01.03.2015Kids B-32
149.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucAlexandrSovaM12.03.2015Kids B-32
150.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucTimurGherjevM04.05.2016Kids B-37
151.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDamirBalanM12.03.2015Kids B-41
152.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucArtiomNevmerjitchiiM24.05.2014Younger Cadets A-27
153.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDaniilElisovetchiM26.06.2013Younger Cadets A-30
154.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucEmilBurianM12.03.2014Younger Cadets A-36
155.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucRabitaMusaŽ26.02.2013Younger Cadets A-44
156.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucAnastasiaCaradjovaŽ30.11.2014Younger Cadets B-27
157.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucAndreiKiperM01.04.2014Younger Cadets B-30
158.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucNichitaCojocarM01.03.2013Younger Cadets B-40
159.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucIanusAbabiiM03.09.2013Younger Cadets B-52
160.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucNicuGujaM03.02.2014Younger Cadets B+57
161.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDavidPopescu M09.12.2011Cadets A-37
162.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucIlieBurianM06.02.2012Cadets A-37
163.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucEvelinaGorasŽ01.02.2012Cadets A-37
164.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucAlexandrGorbatovschiiM15.10.2011Cadets A-41
165.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDavidNerpiiM31.10.2012Cadets A-41
166.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucDariaPascalŽ28.11.2012Cadets A-41
167.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucGabrielDerenovM14.03.2012Cadets A-45
168.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucTimurCazacM01.01.2010Cadets A-53
169.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucAnastasiaSelvestruŽ01.01.2011Cadets A-55
170.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucEmilyCaraganciuŽ18.10.2012Cadets B-37
171.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucMilaniaAntohiŽ23.03.2011Cadets B-55
172.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucKirillParaM01.01.2008Juniors A-51
173.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucArtemKhodakovskyiM03.12.2007Juniors A-55
174.MDA - SSS6 DmitrucAnastasiaSelivestruŽ27.01.2009Juniors A-55
175.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVPascariVeaceslavM01.01.2017Younger Kids B-20
176.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVIordanCristianM01.01.2015Kids A-22
177.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVPavlovNicolaiM01.01.2016Kids A-24
178.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVBrinzilaAdeliaŽ01.01.2015Kids A+41
179.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVLapinMarkM01.01.2016Kids B-41
180.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVGriciucNikitaM01.01.2014Younger Cadets A-27
181.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVGorceacMarcuM01.01.2014Younger Cadets A-33
182.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVGritcanAlexandruM01.01.2013Younger Cadets A-33
183.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVCimpoesAndreiM01.01.2013Younger Cadets A-36
184.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVGumencoSofiaŽ01.01.2014Younger Cadets A-44
185.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVVarticDeliaŽ01.01.2014Younger Cadets B-44
186.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVTurcan ConstantinM01.01.2013Younger Cadets B-44
187.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVUrsuMihailM01.01.2012Cadets A-33
188.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVProzorovschiDaniel M01.01.2010Cadets A-37
189.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVPavlovaEcaterinaŽ01.01.2011Cadets A-41
190.MDA - SSSNR6 ARVENTII VLADISLAVLapinaMarseliŽ01.01.2011Cadets A-59
191.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIPalagniucAlexandrM01.01.2017Younger Kids A-22
192.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIColesnicEmilM01.01.2017Younger Kids B-22
193.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIPascariSaraŽ01.01.2016Kids B-22
194.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIKlymenkoTykhonM01.01.2016Kids B-30
195.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIGobjilaEduardM01.01.2016Kids B-32
196.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARICulaiAugustinM01.01.2013Younger Cadets A-30
197.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIOsoianuSergiuM01.01.2013Younger Cadets A-33
198.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIPascariSofiaŽ01.01.2013Younger Cadets B-30
199.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARICodreanuLeonardoM01.01.2013Younger Cadets B-33
200.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIGozianSergheiM01.01.2013Younger Cadets B-52
201.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIOsoianuVladaŽ01.01.2012Cadets A-37
202.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIAnaninaKaterinaŽ01.01.2012Cadets B-47
203.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIPopacondreaArtiomM01.01.2012Cadets B-53
204.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARIGamurariSebastianM01.01.2009Juniors A-51
205.MDA - SSSNR6 PASCARILevintaIonM01.01.2009Juniors A-59
206.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaDragosNilipovschii M24.02.2015Kids A-26
207.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaAnton RanciucM01.01.2015Kids B-28
208.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaRazvanColesniucM01.01.2014Younger Cadets B-27
209.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaAlexandr ScobelevM01.01.2014Younger Cadets B-30
210.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaMihai RanciucM01.01.2013Younger Cadets B-44
211.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaAlexandrUlianovM29.06.2010Cadets A-45
212.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaDmitriiBalagulaM08.11.2010Cadets A-49
213.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaSergheiBorovicM23.04.2011Cadets A-57
214.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaDaniilPodmariovM01.01.2010Cadets B-49
215.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaElizavetaEnacheŽ01.01.2008Juniors A-46
216.MDA - SSSNr6-Petru MovilaErikaLupusorŽ28.09.2008Juniors A-49
217.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRStepanKiblikM10.01.2018Younger Kids B-20
218.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRDmitriiPogrebnoiM02.05.2017Younger Kids B-28
219.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRArinaSamatovaŽ03.12.2016Kids B-41
220.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRDanilKondykovM04.06.2014Younger Cadets A-30
221.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRValeriiPostikaM10.05.2013Younger Cadets A-30
222.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRNataliaMaslovaŽ09.10.2013Younger Cadets B-36
223.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRVasiliLevchenkoM19.07.2010Cadets A-65
224.MDA - The Union Taekwondo WTF PMRElizavetaTarahanŽ20.08.2011Cadets B-51
225.MDA - Union Taekwondo WTF GagauziiIlyaArnautM05.05.2011Cadets A-41
226.MDA - Union Taekwondo WTF GagauziiIliaDincovM06.03.2010Cadets A-53
227.MDA - Union Taekwondo WTF GagauziiVadimUzunM06.04.2010Cadets A-57
228.MDA - Union Taekwondo WTF GagauziiDaniilKulaflîM04.02.2010Cadets A-65
229.MDA - Union Taekwondo WTF GagauziiAdelKaraŽ06.03.2010Cadets A+59
230.MDA - Union Taekwondo WTF GagauziiIvanStomatovM07.06.2009Juniors A-48
231.MDA - Union Taekwondo WTF GagauziiAlexandrElitsaM04.05.2009Juniors A-51
232.MDA - Union Taekwondo WTF GagauziiIuliaSanduŽ05.02.2009Juniors A-49
233.MDA - Union Taekwondo WTF GagauziiEmanuelaEsanuŽ05.04.2009Juniors A-52
234.MDA - WT-A clubGregore Casian M01.01.2018Younger Kids B-24
235.MDA - WT-A clubOctavianKimM01.01.2017Younger Kids B-26
236.MDA - WT-A clubSergheiScoartaM25.06.2016Kids A-24
237.MDA - WT-A clubAlexandruOpreaM21.07.2016Kids A-28
238.MDA - WT-A clubAlexandrMoscalencoM05.03.2016Kids B-30
239.MDA - WT-A clubAlexeiDraganiucM29.03.2014Younger Cadets A-33
240.MDA - WT-A clubKirillBotnaruM01.01.2014Younger Cadets A-36
241.MDA - WT-A clubAlexeiMarianM11.02.2014Younger Cadets A-40
242.MDA - WT-A clubCocirlaLeonardM30.07.2013Younger Cadets A-40
243.MDA - WT-A clubLeonardCocirlaM30.07.2011Cadets A-41
244.MDA - WT-A clubPostoroncaAlexandruM22.11.2012Cadets A-41
245.MDA - WT-A clubCiprianVasilacheM10.01.2012Cadets A-49
246.MDA - WT-A clubCocirlaAlexandru-IlieM02.08.2011Cadets A-49
247.MDA - WT-A clubCristianCasianM10.10.2010Cadets B-53
248.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"IliaMelnicM10.02.2018Younger Kids B-20
249.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"AlisaBujacŽ08.08.2017Younger Kids B-22
250.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"SofiaDracevskaiaŽ12.10.2018Younger Kids B-22
251.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"AlexeiAprotchiM11.01.2018Younger Kids B-22
252.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"AndreiMihailaM24.07.2017Younger Kids B-24
253.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"AlexandrPetrasisinM18.01.2017Younger Kids B-26
254.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"NikitaMoraruM06.02.2017Younger Kids B-28
255.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"AlexandrChibeM05.10.2015Kids B-24
256.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"AtaAtajanovM16.09.2015Kids B-28
257.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"DaniilGrumezaM11.07.2015Kids B-28
258.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"IliaPastuhovM22.06.2016Kids B-30
259.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"DamianGinuM07.02.2015Kids B-41
260.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"AlexandrDudnitkiM25.11.2014Younger Cadets A-36
261.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"ArtiomMavrodiM27.07.2014Younger Cadets A-36
262.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"KirillDancencoM27.11.2013Younger Cadets A-40
263.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"SveatoslavMoscvinM24.12.2013Younger Cadets B-33
264.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"DariaMihailaŽ13.06.2013Younger Cadets B-36
265.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"SofiaMardariŽ26.08.2014Younger Cadets B-36
266.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"TimurDracevskiM29.05.2013Younger Cadets B-36
267.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"AlbertOcunevM17.07.2014Younger Cadets B-40
268.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"MatveiPrepelitaM08.08.2013Younger Cadets B-44
269.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"ArturOstafM26.12.2010Cadets A-53
270.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"MaximCercasinM24.10.2012Cadets B-45
271.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"GlebCuliucM12.07.2011Cadets B-49
272.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"EvaBujacŽ13.06.2011Cadets B-51
273.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"UlianaMoraruŽ22.05.2011Cadets B-51
274.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"DaniilCiotoroiM29.04.2011Cadets B-57
275.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"ArseniiSirbuM23.02.2007Juniors A-68
276.MDA - РСК "SIPJIN"AntonBeliiM04.07.2007Juniors A-73
277.ROU - Taekwondo Club VIPPericlieDavidM16.07.2016Kids B-26
278.ROU - Taekwondo Club VIPMunteanuAndreeaŽ03.09.2015Kids B-41
279.ROU - Taekwondo Club VIPRusuAndreeaŽ06.03.2014Younger Cadets B-40
280.ROU - Taekwondo Club VIPUrsache AresM07.07.2014Younger Cadets B-44
281.ROU - Taekwondo Club VIPUrsacheAlbertM02.10.2010Cadets A-61
282.ROU - Taekwondo Club VIPCurcudelDenisM04.05.2012Cadets A-65
283.ROU - Taekwondo Club VIPTeleanuBrianaŽ05.02.2010Cadets A+59
284.ROU - Taekwondo Club VIPHoratauStefanM02.04.2012Cadets B-41
285.ROU - Taekwondo Club VIPBogzaRaresM03.09.2010Cadets B-45
286.UKR - Chernihiv team MykhailoSimochenko M14.02.2016Kids A-30
287.UKR - Chernihiv team IvannaPuchynets Ž08.08.2014Younger Cadets A-33
288.UKR - Chernihiv team DanyloChubM29.08.2008Juniors A+78
289.UKR - Dolphin TKDHlibYatsenkoM05.12.2015Kids A-22
290.UKR - Dolphin TKDDominikDziubenkoM11.05.2015Kids A-26
291.UKR - Dolphin TKDDenisStasiukM25.08.2014Younger Cadets A-27
292.UKR - Dolphin TKDTimofeiTsiurpitaM09.10.2014Younger Cadets A-33
293.UKR - Dolphin TKDMarharitaYamchukŽ09.04.2012Cadets A-41
294.UKR - Dolphin TKDMaksimMamchenkoM09.04.2012Cadets A-45

Broj prijavljenih takmičara po kategorijama
Rb.KategorijaMBroj MŽBroj ŽUkupno
1.Younger Kids A-180-1800
2.Younger Kids A-200-2000
3.Younger Kids A-221-2201
4.Younger Kids A-240-2400
5.Younger Kids A-260-2600
6.Younger Kids A-280-2800
7.Younger Kids A-300-3000
8.Younger Kids A-320-3200
9.Younger Kids A-340-3400
10.Younger Kids A-370-3700
11.Younger Kids A-410-4100
12.Younger Kids A+410+4100
13.Younger Kids B-180-1800
14.Younger Kids B-204-2004
15.Younger Kids B-223-2236
16.Younger Kids B-242-2402
17.Younger Kids B-264-2604
18.Younger Kids B-284-2804
19.Younger Kids B-300-3000
20.Younger Kids B-321-3201
21.Younger Kids B-341-3401
22.Younger Kids B-370-3700
23.Younger Kids B-410-4100
24.Younger Kids B+410+4100
25.Kids A-200-2000
26.Kids A-222-2202
27.Kids A-242-2413
28.Kids A-264-2604
29.Kids A-282-2802
30.Kids A-302-3002
31.Kids A-320-3200
32.Kids A-340-3400
33.Kids A-370-3700
34.Kids A-410-4100
35.Kids A+411+4112
36.Kids B-200-2011
37.Kids B-221-2212
38.Kids B-246-2406
39.Kids B-265-2605
40.Kids B-288-2808
41.Kids B-309-3009
42.Kids B-327-3218
43.Kids B-341-3401
44.Kids B-373-3714
45.Kids B-414-4126
46.Kids B+410+4100
47.Younger Cadets A-275-2705
48.Younger Cadets A-304-3026
49.Younger Cadets A-337-3318
50.Younger Cadets A-365-3605
51.Younger Cadets A-404-4004
52.Younger Cadets A-440-4422
53.Younger Cadets A-481-4801
54.Younger Cadets A-520-5200
55.Younger Cadets A-570-5700
56.Younger Cadets A+570+5700
57.Younger Cadets B-273-2725
58.Younger Cadets B-305-3016
59.Younger Cadets B-333-3303
60.Younger Cadets B-363-3636
61.Younger Cadets B-407-40310
62.Younger Cadets B-447-4418
63.Younger Cadets B-480-4800
64.Younger Cadets B-524-5204
65.Younger Cadets B-572-5702
66.Younger Cadets B+572+5713
67.Cadets A-332-2902
68.Cadets A-373-3303
69.Cadets A-4110-37212
70.Cadets A-454-4148
71.Cadets A-496-4417
72.Cadets A-534-4726
73.Cadets A-572-5102
74.Cadets A-613-5514
75.Cadets A-654-5915
76.Cadets A+652+5924
77.Cadets B-332-2902
78.Cadets B-372-3302
79.Cadets B-417-3718
80.Cadets B-456-4106
81.Cadets B-495-4416
82.Cadets B-535-4716
83.Cadets B-572-5135
84.Cadets B-611-5512
85.Cadets B-650-5900
86.Cadets B+651+5912
87.Juniors A-451-4201
88.Juniors A-482-4413
89.Juniors A-513-4625
90.Juniors A-553-4925
91.Juniors A-592-5224
92.Juniors A-632-5524
93.Juniors A-683-5914
94.Juniors A-732-6324
95.Juniors A-783-6814
96.Juniors A+782+6802
UKUPNO67 (10)23338 (21)61294

Broj prijavljenih takmičara po uzrasnim kategorijama
Rb.KategorijaBroj MBroj ŽUkupno
1.Younger Kids A101
2.Younger Kids B19322
3.Kids B44650
4.Kids A13215
5.Younger Cadets B361147
6.Younger Cadets A26531
7.Cadets B31839
8.Cadets A401353
9.Juniors A231336
